We want to wish you all a very peaceful holiday season and new year. We know that for those who are facing their first Christmas and New Year without their loved one the prospect can feel so daunting. It’s incredibly hard when those around are lighting their houses and busily shopping for presents, it […]
festive winter challenges for bereaved and health care profe...
Tania Brocklehurst explains how to balance work with wellbeing over the festive season winter challenges Winter time can bring mixed emotions. Often, the anticipation of longer evenings, worsening weather conditions and the arrival of Christmas starts to raise worry levels in those who are caring for someone who is dying or those who have been […]
The use of CBT in Bereavement Support
Recently, I undertook and graduated with a Diploma in CBT. I remember, on discussing with a colleague at work that I was considering the course, that she asked me, surprised, “but why would you want to do that Tania, you are so person centred”. “Exactly!”, I replied. During my initial counselling training in 2002, we were […]
M. P calls for more Support for parents who experience death...
“AT LAST” I cry ,and what a shame that it is only through her personal tragedy and experience that the plight of many bereaved parents might now be acknowledged. Lets hope her calls for changes and more support doesn’t fall on deaf ears.In the UK ,we believe there is a vast area of training that needs […]
Congratulations Child Bereavement UK
“We at bereavement.co.uk are very proud to promote the amazing work of this outstanding charity , Congratulations Child Bereavement UK “ Child Bereavement UK celebrates 21 years of Rebuilding Lives On 15 October, Child Bereavement UK held a 21st Birthday Dinner and Concert to mark the occasion of its 21st year of helping families […]
Bereaved? 10 ways to help you through Autumn
Changing of any season can bring with it new anniversaries of significant moments. Cold crisp air, damp autumn leaves and wisps of smoke from bonfires can trigger senses and memories, whist darker mornings and evenings can, for some, feel isolating as curtains are shut earlier, and the streets quieter for longer. It can seem as […]
Read: Interview with Robert Neimeyer by Tania
Robert Neimeyer is one of the most well known and respected bereavement theorists in the 21st century. Alex Says : I first met Robert Neimeyer (Bob) a few years ago at a conference. He spoke so clearly and descriptively about his experiences of working. He coloured his words and engaged everyone, as he told stories […]
Read :Sudden Death
For those experiencing sudden unexpected death we hope you may find the following useful When a death occurs the household may become very active, there may be visits from family, friends neighbours and those involved in a more official capacity.There may be paperwork to attend to and many other things that require attention […]
Read : Sudden Death
Information for those in supporting roles We also offer this excerpt of a chapter of our free e book specifically for anyone affected by this news in particular for those finding themselves in direct contact with,or supporting the loved ones and families of the deceased ; If you would like our support contact us at either support@bereavement.co.uk or […]
Read and Listen : Our guest Linda shares her story
Linda is truly inspirational although diagnosed terminally ill she continues to try to find ways of helping others. After our chat in the studio Linda told me about her blog and asked whether it might be useful to anyone going through something similar .Linda has generously contributed the following Dear Reader I […]