“We at bereavement.co.uk are very proud to promote the amazing work of this outstanding charity , Congratulations Child Bereavement UK “
Child Bereavement UK celebrates 21 years of Rebuilding Lives
On 15 October, Child Bereavement UK held a 21st Birthday Dinner and Concert to mark the occasion of its 21st year of helping families to rebuild their lives after the devastation of child bereavement. In a moving speech, Child Bereavement UK’s Royal Patron, HRH The Duke of Cambridge, said:
“I have witnessed first-hand the difference CBUK has made – and continues to make – to the lives of bereaved families. CBUK works with military families, with the wrecked families of suicide victims, with little children whose lives torn apart by the inexplicable death of a parent. And yet amid all this misery, CBUK – and I don’t know how they do this – brings warmth, comfort, a guiding hand, a way through, even colour and joyfulness, and a renewed opportunity for love as a family reknits itself after tragedy.”
Guests were then treated to a special concert by Gary Barlow. Gary and his wife Dawn’s baby daughter, Poppy, was stillborn on August 4th 2012. Gary Barlow said:
“Dawn and I have always felt our own personal bereavement was too painful and private to talk or comment on publicly. Instead I will sing joyous music in support of Child Bereavement UK to say thank you for all the help it has given us and many other families.”
Child Bereavement UK’s Chief Executive, Ann Chalmers, said:
“As Child Bereavement UK marks its 21st year of helping families to rebuild their lives after bereavement, we are mindful of the fact that milestones can be bittersweet for those facing life without their precious baby, their child, their brother or their sister, their mum or dad; someone important to them. Child Bereavement UK’s birthday is therefore not just about what the charity has achieved over the last 21 years, it is about the many bereaved families we have supported – the parents, carers, children and young people – and the 78000+ professionals who have attended our training to date, so they can meet the needs of families at what can be the most difficult time in a family’s life. A big thank you goes to all our supporters; it is because of them that we can continue to provide vital support to families across the UK as they start to rebuild their lives after the devastation of child bereavement.”
Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Every year the charity trains almost 7000 professionals, helping them to better understand and meet the needs of grieving families.
To find out more go to:
Support & Information Line: 0800 02 888 40
Why is Child Bereavement UK needed?
- A parent of children under 18 dies every 22 minutes in the UK; around 23,600 a year. This equates to around 111 children being bereaved of a parent every day
- 1 in 29 schoolchildren has been bereaved of a parent or sibling – that’s a child in every class
- Each year, around 6000 families are bereaved by suicide
- More than 1 in 5 pregnancies ends in miscarriage – probably around a quarter of a million in the UK each year
In the UK in 2014:
- 2129 children and young people died between the ages of 1 and 19, that is around 6 children and young people per day
- 3564 babies were stillborn, almost 10 babies per day
- 2103 babies died within 4 weeks of birth
a further 911 babies died before reaching their first birth
More ……
Child Bereavement UK
Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement. Every year we train almost 7000 professionals, helping them to better understand and meet the needs of grieving families.
Support and Information line
We provide confidential support, information and guidance to families and professionals. Our professionally trained bereavement support workers are available to take calls 9am-5pm Monday-Friday. Tel: 0800 02 888 40
Email Support and Information
Our support team can also be contacted at: support@childbereavementuk.org
Bereavement support for families
The charity has experience in delivering the following direct services at a growing number of locations across the country:
- Individual, couple and family support sessions
- Parents’ support groups for baby and child death and support through a subsequent pregnancy
- Children and Young People’s groups (CHYPS) for children to attend with adult carers
- A Young People’s Advisory Group (YPAG) for bereaved young people up to age 25
We also offer consultancy and bespoke solutions for organisations looking to address specific local needs.
Training for professionals
We operate an established training, consultancy and staff support service, providing:
- Workshops, courses and conferences covering a breadth of subjects, both at our dedicated charity centre in Buckinghamshire and at venues across the country
- Tailor-made workshops, devised by our experienced facilitators to meet an organisation’s specific needs
- Comprehensive course materials
- Certificates of attendance for Continuing Professional Development (all our training is CPD certified)
- Consultancy / supervision offering information and guidance to organisations in the statutory, voluntary and corporate sector
Tel: 01494 568908 or email: training@childbereavementuk.org
Support and training for schools
We provide specialised training, resources and information for schools and have a dedicated schools section on our website. We also run an awareness campaign for primary schools: www.elephantsteaparty.co.uk
Publications and resources
We provide books, DVDs and workbooks for bereaved families, which have been developed with their input, and for professionals. Many of our resources have received British Medical Association recognition for educational merit.
Jane Keightley
Head of Communications
Child Bereavement UK
Clare Charity Centre,
Wycombe Road, Saunderton,
Buckinghamshire, HP14 4BF
Tel: 01494 568913
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