IMG_0829A Cup Of Tea With Auntie 


Firstly thank you for your emails and comments about last months postbag. ( When a child dies )

This months theme ‘Ambiguous Loss’ presented us with lots of emails and feedback especially after we were on BBC Radio with Graham Torrington.As a result we chose to offer several articles and the audio of the radio show rather than post bag.

Future Audios ‘ A Cup Of Tea With Auntie’ -We have decided that rather than choose a few specific emails to read on air we will select a theme and use threads from these emails to explore that theme.This will enable us to cover more of the issues raised by you.  This month we have already recieved lots of emails about Death of A Parent and so our next Post Bag ‘A Cup Of Tea With Auntie’ will reflect these.This audio will be posted soon

We hope you continue to listen, watch and follow

Alex and Tania