We at BereavementUK are privileged to share with you an interview with Dr Linda Machin. Linda is a pioneer in bereavement theory in the 21st century, having devised the Adult Attitude to Grief scale and the Range of Response to Loss model, which has helped countless health care professionals understand grief better, and countless bereaved […]
The use of CBT in Bereavement Support
Recently, I undertook and graduated with a Diploma in CBT. I remember, on discussing with a colleague at work that I was considering the course, that she asked me, surprised, “but why would you want to do that Tania, you are so person centred”. “Exactly!”, I replied. During my initial counselling training in 2002, we were […]
Read: Interview with Robert Neimeyer by Tania
Robert Neimeyer is one of the most well known and respected bereavement theorists in the 21st century. Alex Says : I first met Robert Neimeyer (Bob) a few years ago at a conference. He spoke so clearly and descriptively about his experiences of working. He coloured his words and engaged everyone, as he told stories […]
Read:An introduction to theory relating to bereavement and g...
An Introduction to Theory relating to Bereavement and Grief Grief is a natural response to the death or loss of someone or something that we have valued, loved or connected with. I like to think that a persons response to grief is as unique as the relationship that they have had with the person that […]
Watch / Read:The Theorists John Bowlby
John Bowlby From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Edward John Mostyn Bowlby Born 26 February 1907 London Died 2 September 1990 (aged 83) Skye Spouse(s) Ursula Longstaff Children Richard Bowlby Parent(s) Anthony Alfred Bowlby, Mary Bridget Mostyn Edward John Mostyn Bowlby (/ˈboʊlbi/; 26 February 1907 – 2 September 1990) was a British psychologist,psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst, notable for […]
Read:The Theorists Alfred Adler
This article about Alfred Adler is taken from the Adler University http://www.adler.edu/page/about/history/about-alfred-adler Alfred Adler 1870 – 1937 About Alfred Adler Alfred Adler was a physician, psychotherapist, and the founder of Adlerian psychology, sometimes called individual psychology. He is considered the first community psychologist, because his work pioneered attention to community life, prevention, and population health. Adlerian […]
Watch/Read:The Theorists Carl Gustav Jung
Film Taken From You Tube Carl Gustav Jung Updated Sept. 23, 2009 NYT By SARA CORBETT Carl Jung founded the field of analytical psychology and, along withSigmund Freud, was responsible for popularizing the idea that a person’s interior life merited not just attention but dedicated exploration – a notion that has since propelled tens […]
Watch/Read:The Theorists Elizebeth Kubler Ross
Taken From NYT Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, 78, Dies; Psychiatrist Revolutionized Care of the Terminally Ill By HOLCOMB B. NOBLE Published: August 26, 2004 Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, the psychiatrist whose pioneering work with terminally ill patients helped to revolutionize attitudes toward the care of the dying, died Tuesday at her home in Scottsdale, Ariz. She was 78. […]